
Monday, May 2, 2011

Sooner Nutrition

          The newest Sooner Nutrition in Norman recently opened at 1959 W. Lindsey St. There is one other location in Norman at 1300 12th Avenue S.E.

             Tim Files, owner of the newest Sooner Nutrition, said the store carries Herbalife’s products. Files said Herbalife is the number one pharmaceutical nutrition company in the world. 

            “Most of the other stuff on the market is labeled a food grade product, “ Files said. “According to the FDA, food grade products only have to carry 30 percent truth on the labeling law, so they’re allowed a 70 percent error on their products.”
            Files said Herbalife’s products are held to a higher standard.
            “Pharmaceutical grade products have to be at least 90 percent accurate," Files said. "All of Herbalife’s products are held at 97 percent, and two of our products are held at 100 percent.”
            Besides all of the supplements it offers, Sooner Nutrition also makes herbal teas and meal replacement shakes for customers. Customers can choose between a few different tea flavors including raspberry and peach. There are many shake flavor options, such as mango tango or Reese’s peanut butter cup. A tea and a shake together cost six dollars. Files said this is a great product for college students on a budget and saves them a lot of money.
            “Just by drinking one of our teas, you burn 120 calories,” Files said. “With our shakes, you are getting 1500 calories worth of nutrients for only about 240 calories. The shakes are a perfect meal because they contain all of the essential nutrients and vitamins that your body needs.”
            Lindsay Bond, recent OU graduate, said she first started coming to Sooner Nutrition because she wanted to lose about five pounds.
            “I was hooked right away because of how much energy I gained from drinking their shakes and teas,” Bond said. “I also noticed that I had more stamina for my workouts.”
            Bond said her favorite flavors are the cherry limeade tea and the Snickers shake.
            “I would definitely recommend Sooner Nutrition to anyone,” Bond said. “I work 6am to 4pm every day and need a lot of energy…I get it from Sooner Nutrition.”